The Rules: don’t take too long to think about it. Fifteen games (they can be console or PC, for any system, from any era) that you’ve played that will always stick with you. List the first fifteen that you can recall in no more than fifteen minutes. Tag fifteen friends, including me, because I’m interested… Continue reading Top 15 Games
Category: Computers
Computing things
Commodore Amiga vs. Atari ST
Graphics abilities: The Amiga had 4,096 colors as opposed to the ST’s 512, and had a blitter chip that the ST lacked. The Atari eventually got both of these abilities with the 520 and 1040 STe, but that did not come until late 1989. Sound/Music: The Amiga had 4-channel stereo sound, while the ST only… Continue reading Commodore Amiga vs. Atari ST
Every Computer That I Own
1) Atari XEGS2) Atari 800XL3) Atari 1040STe4) Atari Mega STe5) Atari STacy 26) Atari Portfolio7) Apple IIGS8) IBM 5160 XT9) 386DX-33 (Windows 3.1)10) K6-2 computer (Windows 98)11) Windows XP computer12) Windows 2000 computer13) Windows 98 laptop14) Windows Vista laptop15) Commodore VIC 20 SMPL16) Commodore 12817) Commodore Amiga 50018) Sharp X68000 ACE (shell only)19) Kindle (7th… Continue reading Every Computer That I Own
How I Got Into Computers
Written circa 1998 by Ter Micharoni Ever since using computers in school as a young kid in the mid 80’s, I’ve loved them. I wanted my own for years before I obtained one. The first was around 1988, and that was an Atari XT Game System. Although I had some fun with it, it was… Continue reading How I Got Into Computers