Playing games online

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Playing games online

Post by TwinChargers »

I at times feel like a dinosaur not ever have played Xbox Live or any PS2 or PS3 online. I own a PS2 and Xbox, but I have never connected online with them. Am I alone in this ship? It just doesn't really appeal to me. I know that some games are enhanced with downloadable content and there are some games that are exclusive to the online experience.

Personally I think that this is bad for retrogaming. Newer games are too hinged on the fact that you are gonna play online. What happens in a few years when the game is no longer supported online. Your stuck with a game that is really poor in quality or no game at all. Am I crazy, or does anybody else agree with me?
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Re: Playing games online

Post by Jakenut86 »

I also agree with this. I can't bring myself to pay $50 bucks for a game I wont be able to play in a few years.

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Re: Playing games online

Post by Rob »

Count me in. I've never played any games online. Nor do I play PC games, unless you count classic computers.

Sega sent me a free browser when I had the Dreamcast, and I went online with it a couple of times using the DC mouse and keyboard. It was all pretty cool to do back in the late nineties, but the one and only time I tried to game online the speed was horrendous. Imagine playing Sega Swirl on dial-up and having a six second lag for every button you pressed. I'm sure online gaming has gotten better since then, but I just have no interest in it at all.

If I had a current gen console, I could see myself downloading some Virtual Console or Live Arcade games, but I have no desire to have a gamer tag or Friend codes.

This is a bit out of left field, but did you know that you could connect to the net waaay back when on a 2600 and an Intellivision? I actually have a Mattel modem that's as big as an old desk phone. Mattel had this deal through certain cable companies to where Intellivision owners could hook their modem to the cable box and download games off of what they called "Channel M". That's right y'all, online gaming in 1981, with a freaking broadband connection!

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Re: Playing games online

Post by Jakenut86 »

Wow I never knew you could do that with the 2600 and Intellivision. You learn something new everyday :)

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Re: Playing games online

Post by Carlos »

When it comes to playing games online, I remember a quote from Penny Arcade...

"The problem with playing games online is that you have to play them with other people".

There have been so many times that I've turned off my 360 because of little punks on XBOX Live trying to act cool by throwing out every racial and gay joke and insult they know. On the other side, I've lost count of how my games of Left 4 Dead I've played where a team memer is AFK because he's grabbing a beer, helping his mom with laundry, or taking a shit (I kid you not, that really happened to me once). :chairshot:

And I hate having to pay between $10-$20 a month to play game that I already paid $50 for in the first place. :hanged:

This is why the last MMO I ever played was Phantasy Star Online (if you can call it a real MMO), and even then I only played wiht the same group of people. Same with the first 2K sports games. There was no voice chat. Only text or if you had the keyboard. Didn't have to listen to whinny profanity, and you'd get credit if the other person quit or disconnected. If online games today were more like they were with the DC, I'd be more inclined to play them.

Same thing with Live, if I'm ever on Live, I'm playing with people I know personally, or have been playing online with for a long time.

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