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MaxRD Inside Series Ep 1 COLECOVISION

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 3:10 am
by MaximumRD

Something new again, this time the idea is to give a different perspective of our precious classic consoles and computers. I had to take apart my Colecovision for some serious cleaning and thought "You know, it's cool seeing the insides of these systems, I wonder if anyone else might like to see this?" and so here is the "Pilot" episode of MaximumRD's Inside Series. I am far from a technical or electronics wiz, I can build a PC, clean the systems and that is about it. Still, I intend to take apart various parts of my collection and share my findings with you all. I may be incorrect in some of the details I mention so please feel free to comment, correct me on any details, give any advice etc. Comment, rate, subscribe and let me know what you think of this idea. IF YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS or comments on how you would like me to do future episodes let me know, who knows? I will see what I can do.

Re: MaxRD Inside Series Ep 1 COLECOVISION

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 9:24 am
by TwinChargers
Hey Rob, you should show the Colecovision again after you've cleaned it up.

Hope also that you keep this series going, and perhaps bring back your "Just Saying" series also. Liked the first and unfortunately only other one you had.

Re: MaxRD Inside Series Ep 1 COLECOVISION

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:41 pm
by MaximumRD
Thanks! Well I see what I can manage........