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Favorite (non video) games?

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:23 am
by Darryl B.
Obviously with my Laser Attack vid recently, that's a new/old favorite of mine, which I'll post some more (and different than on my vid) pics about it later.

This is in regards to any kind of board or miscellaneous-type of game, as I'm not sure what classification you put Battleship under, for instance. But yeah, stuff like that, just any non-video games.

In the last year or two, I got back into the Mad Magazine Game when I introduced it to my sister's kid, and he's been totally nutso into it ever since. For those who were too young, not born yet, or just plain ol' missed it when it was out in the 70s, it's the opposite of Monopoly: the winner LOSES all of their money. So starting out with four thousand dollar bills, a 5,000 bill and two 500s doesn't sound as appealing as it is, given the object of the game. You lose $500 each time you land on or pass Start, and spaces on the board reveal that $_,000 is counterfeit, return to bank. There's a space called Anywhere where you roll the dice, if you roll a 7, you win $500 and go to Start. (There's a space or card that says 'Send everyone else to Anywhere', which, yeah, you go's in one of the corners of the board.) However you lose that $500 once you go to Start, so you're back where you...uh, started. Roll anything other than a 7 and you just go to Start and lose the money, as usual. However, bad spaces say that you have to exchange money with someone (to your left or right; if that person has more money than you, too bad!), and instead of Jail on Monopoly, you get Tough Luck, which starts off with a $500 bill under it, along with the ominous words of "if there's something under here, ya gotta take it". Drawing certain cards or landing on certain spaces that tell you to put money on it add to whoever's misery that eventually will land on the space, and you have to roll the dice with your left hand; anyone spots you rolling them with your right, everyone has to give you $500.

The game would be a winner with just that premise ALONE, but of course, being Mad Magazine, you also get totally nutso cards. One of them says if you're a ____ person (being male or female), you either win or lose money. Another says to stand up and imitate your favorite animal and you lose money that way too. My dad's favorite (as far as *watching* people play the game) is to stand up, put this card on top of your head, walk around the table and sit down with it still on your head, you'll lose money that way. Another says to jump up and lose ___ amount of money, but if you can stay airborne for 37 seconds (!), then you'll lose a ton more that way (yeah, sure!). And other spaces say you have to roll the dice three times, add up that total, and go either forward or backward around the board that number of spaces. And tons of other stuff, too many to mention here really...this kind of game they couldn't do nowadays either, with lawsuits and all (i. e. the moving around stuff, case you fall and hurt yourself).

So, if anyone else would like to share, name yours. Has anyone played the updated Monopoly for instance, with the electronic banking and all? That's pretty neat, and they didn't ruin the game at all with the updated stuff. I was surprised.

Re: Favorite (non video) games?

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:12 am
by Carlos
My favorite non-video game of all time is Fireball Island. I mean, what kid wouldn't want this after seeing the commercial...

I remember when I used to think how scary the demon head was, and having friends over and my dad always joining us when we played because he got a kick out of knocking people off the bridges and into the rivers.

Once I got into junior high, I got into HeroQuest big time!

My friends and I used to play this games religiously every day after school. It got to the point that flew through the main game and the expansions that one of my friends made his own quests, and soon with the wonderful invention of the internet, we downloaded new quests and maps.

Around that same time, my friends and I got into Games Workshop and started playing Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Fantasy, Necromunda, Blood Bowl. There was a game and comic shop down the street from our neighborhood and we would go up there and play every Saturday and sometimes on Sunday. We were there three days a week during the summer.

And of course we also got into collectible card games such as Magic: The Gathering, Star Wars, Deadlands, and the Alien vs. Predator game

Re: Favorite (non video) games?

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:04 am
by MaximumRD
Does THIS COUNT because I friggin LOVED this as a kid! WILDFIRE PINBALL:


Re: Favorite (non video) games?

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:09 pm
by Darryl B.
Holy CRAP I remember seeing that!! I don't recall if I ever played it or not, but I always wanted it, a friend might've had it.

I'll check out Carlos' stuff later, they sound cool too :)

Re: Favorite (non video) games?

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:06 pm
by Darryl B.
Carlos wrote:My favorite non-video game of all time is Fireball Island. I mean, what kid wouldn't want this after seeing the commercial...
No kidding! Kind of a cross between Mouse Trap and Indiana Jones!
Carlos wrote:I remember when I used to think how scary the demon head was, and having friends over and my dad always joining us when we played because he got a kick out of knocking people off the bridges and into the rivers.
Hah, no kidding!
Carlos wrote:Once I got into junior high, I got into HeroQuest big time!
What's with the dice with the symbols on them?

Re: Favorite (non video) games?

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:06 pm
by Carlos
Carlos wrote:Once I got into junior high, I got into HeroQuest big time!
What's with the dice with the symbols on them?[/quote]

I think if you got a skull, the enemy hits you, if you got a shield, the enemy blocked, and if you got a star, you hit the enemy and the other dice was to see how much damage depending on the weapon or spell you used. I loved that game so much. I wish I had a group of friends locally that were into board games. I would so love to run a HeroQuest campain using the optional RPG rules.

Re: Favorite (non video) games?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 4:07 am
by Zap!
How about Run Yourself Ragged? I used to love this as a little kid.


Re: Favorite (non video) games?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:04 am
by Darryl B.
Holy crap! Totally forgot about that one!

Pretty neat...that and Mouse Trap, where a lot of times you didn't even *play*, you just tried to get it to work, you know? :D

Re: Favorite (non video) games?

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:41 pm
by Zap!
Darryl B. wrote:Holy crap! Totally forgot about that one!

Pretty neat...that and Mouse Trap, where a lot of times you didn't even *play*, you just tried to get it to work, you know? :D
I always wanted Mouse Trap, but for some reason I never got it, hehe. As for getting it to work, it did break after time. A bit fragile if I remember.

Re: Favorite (non video) games?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:56 pm
by Rob
I always liked Crossfire.


Re: Favorite (non video) games?

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:48 am
by Zap!
Rob wrote:I always liked Crossfire.

Why don't I remember that for some reason?

Re: Favorite (non video) games?

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 3:55 am
by nathanallan1
Never been too big on board gaming, but I was loving some RPG on a tabletop. I played the 2nd Ed AD&D, the D6 Star Wars and a few GURPS games. I was a dungeon master for a long time, till I had to move.

Re: Favorite (non video) games?

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 10:35 am
by Darryl B.

Re: Favorite (non video) games?

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 11:10 pm
by nathanallan1
An acronym, Generic Universal Role Playing System. Not the greatest of rule sets, but they work. It's been a few years since I looked, but amazon's covered up with books for it. LOTS and lots of books.