What was it like for SONIC fans and have no game until DC?

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What was it like for SONIC fans and have no game until DC?

Post by RegalSin »

I mean you guy must have been losing your minds out there. The Mario Fans was like "Well that's it for Mario, No Super Mario 64 Two, just lame Mario Party games that could form a perfect Mario game.
Just walk away and you can live. Just walk away and it all can be over. Dont bother responding.

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Re: What was it like for SONIC fans and have no game until DC?

Post by megasdkirby »


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Re: What was it like for SONIC fans and have no game until DC?

Post by triverse »

Well, on 32X there was Knuckles or something or other, can't remember the name right now and Sega CD had, well, Sonic CD. Then on Saturn they released the Sonic compilation but then left out Sonic CD. So it wasn't all boredom and nothing to play for the Sonic fan. One game per system/add-on. The Game Gear made out though with multiple Sonic releases. Also, at least Sega included a world to play in and earn stuff with the Saturn compilation, much better than a 2D menu that Nintendo included for Super Mario All-Stars.

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Re: What was it like for SONIC fans and have no game until DC?

Post by Darryl B. »

Knuckles Chaotix for the 32X and the Sonic CD for that system are the ones you mean.

There was also the Sonic CD for the PC and the Sonic and Knuckles collection for the same. Forgot what all was on that cd (yeah, even though I took those pictures, I don't remember, I'll admit! :P ) but it was a lot.

Also, it depends on the person, if they were constantly buying systems or whatever, or if they were in the minority like myself who wasn't all "oh, you HAVE to get all the Sonic games", as I didn't feel that way: got the first one with my Genny, rented 2, 3 and Knuckles and never bought them. I liked the series fine, but not enough to buy any more other than the one for the CD player, and that one was disappointing to me. (Ok, so I wanted the 32X one too :P )
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Re: What was it like for SONIC fans and have no game until DC?

Post by Arkhan »

Im not quite sure what you mean here.

Every sega console had some kinda sonic game. Sonic R and Sonic 3D blast for Saturn were alot cooler than the mario for N64...

It beats having the system caked in crappy Party games :-D
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