The Konix Multi System

Never-released video games, hardware, and systems like the Ultravision, NEMO, Phantom, etc.

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Zap! Commander
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The Konix Multi System

Post by Zap! »

I so wanted one of these in 1989. It's really a shame that it was cancled, it was such a unique looking system. There were so many pictures of them, so do any working prototypes exist? I've never heard of one floating around, but there must be a few.

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Re: The Konix Multi System

Post by Rob »

There's rumors that there are some floating around, but I've never seen one. I have seen some mock-ups at various conventions, though. The ones that are out there that claim to be working have never been demonstrated, so I think it's an urban legend.

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Re: The Konix Multi System

Post by Zap! »

Rob wrote:There's rumors that there are some floating around, but I've never seen one. I have seen some mock-ups at various conventions, though. The ones that are out there that claim to be working have never been demonstrated, so I think it's an urban legend.
I would love an empty shell to just have for my collection. I just found out about this site. Check it out:
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