Zap! #4- Mar/Apr 1992
Heh, I had just turned ten.

Cool graphics there on the front, Ter. How did you program the Pac Man and Ghost layout there?
Re: Letter from James Hague, Plano TX
What an ass!Thanks for sending me a copy of ZAP! Unfortunately, I'm not going to subscribe, partially because I already subscribe to too many fanzines...
Here's what you should have written, Ter:
Thanks for sending me a letter. Unfortunately, I'm not going to read it, partially because I already receive too many letters, and partially because you're a dick.
RE: 2600 vs. Odyssey 2
You know, I agree that the 2600 was the superior system. However, I spent a lot of time (I'd say possibly more time) playing the O2 as a kid. Why? The ratio of crap games to gold games on the O2 was way more balanced on the o2 than the 2600. See, I came around at a time when nobody rented the 2600 or O2 games, and my gamer mag collection wasn't as archive intensive as it is now, so when I went to the flea market every week and only had enough cash to get one old Odyssey game or one old 2600 game, I had to choose wisely. Almiost every game I picked on the 2600 sucked, or had little replay value. I ended up always getting an Odyssey game, because I rarely picked that bad of a game for that system.
I think the graphics, though not as colorful as the 2600, were fluid in a way that was lacking on the Atari. The games, though for the most part simple, seemed to have a more intuitive feel over their VCS counterparts. I don't recall ever having to break out the instruction book for most O2 games like I did with the Atari.
I also liked the joysticks on the O2 more. I know that it's travesty, but I just never cared much for the regular Atari stick. The O2 just feels nice in the hand, and the stick is ultra responsive. Minus a few points for being hardwired, though.
Another reason I liked the O2 over the 2600- it was an underdog system. Most kids I knew never even saw one, let alone owned one before. That gave me a little edge in the "I have cool stuff that you don't" category.
Re: Atari drops the 2600/7800
I remember hearing that at the same time and thinking "Atari still makes the 2600 and the 7800?!?" The only system I remember seeing in the stores by them at that time was the XE console which had already been discontinued, and the Lynx which I only ever saw at Sears.I just read in the Mar/Apr issue of The 2600 connection that as of Christmas '91 Atari discontinued the 2600 after 14 years and the 7800 after 5 years.
Meh. Amateur.I now have 18 systems and 2 computers!

Overall, good issue.