Vector Runner

Online HTML5 and old Flash games may be simple but can they be fun. What are your favorites? Which games should I add?
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Darryl B.
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Vector Runner

Post by Darryl B. »

Simple, addicting, fun and can be difficult. ... l?cid=YSSP

Kind of like the second stage of the vector Atari Star Wars arcade game (with the towers), except you're on the ground, plus it moves faster than the latter!


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Zap! Commander
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Re: Vector Runner

Post by Zap! »

That link is still valid! Any idea how to download it so I can put it in the Arcade?
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Darryl B.
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Re: Vector Runner

Post by Darryl B. »

No, I don't know how that works. Might have to check with the Dig Your Own Grave guys, the ones who made it to see if there's a way from them. Really amazing that link still works though!


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Zap! Commander
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Re: Vector Runner

Post by Zap! »

The original ink no longer works, but I found a new one. Still an amazing game that I'd love to add to my Arcade!
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Zap! Commander
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Re: Vector Runner

Post by Zap! »

You are in luck, as I have added this game to the Arcade, among other classics. I've figured out how to add any Flash game, so long as I have the .swf file. The only thing I haven't figured out yet is how to save the scores of the .swf files, but I'll work on getting it done (if it's even possible).
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