Very true. I don't recall anybody owning one until 1987, so I was surprised later on that it actually came out in 85.Even the NES wasn't popular right away.
Concerning the article "What if they're had never been a video game crash?", I think that Atari would have come out with the 7800 on time, and it would have set a new standard. The Coleco would have had to upgrade or die, as the controllers are the one thing that keeps me from truly enjoying this system. I think it's entirely possible that Atari would have bought the NES from Nintendo as well. You remember that Nintendo initially went to Atari for US distribution of the NES and Atari turned them down, still stinging from the Videogame crash. Think about that- no Nintendo NES, probably the Atari 1000 or something, with none of Nintendo's attention to detail regarding the third party games that came out on it. My entire life may have turned out differently had I not had an NES as a child!
Couple of questions, Ter:
Did you actually own a NEO GEO at the time? I know you often write fondly of it but I never knew of anyone to actually own one originally.
Do you keep in contact or still know of the guys that wrote letters and fanzines that appeared in Zap? I'm kind of curious because it seems like I've seen some of the same guys surface on various forums through the years.
Re: Gamepro TV. I remember those two douchebags that hosted it. I actually have an episode on VHS somewhere, and you can guarantee it's going on Youtube if I ever find it.
Did this ever pan out?...I'll be a writer for Game Trader...
It seemed like you were having a hard time finding those magazines at the time. What happened?Did Game Players fold?
Re: The Double Dribble Code, Did anyone here ever get the code to work? I've never seen anyone break the backboard on that game. I thought for years that the thing was an urban legend, and forgot about it until I read that in the tricks section.
Oh, how wrong we were!The [Sega CD] should greatly improve the Genesis...
Re; Colecovison VS the Atari 5200- Two great systems that were hampered by shitty controllers. I give the slight nod to the Colecovision as you can use a Genesis controller for most of the games. I still don't have a functioning 5200 controller. I replaced the flex circuits but can't get any of the Start/Run buttons to work, so my Wico Joystick is also useless. With the Wico, at least the games were playable.
Re: A History of The VIdeogaming Industry fanbook: Do you still own any of the printings? I had one years back and have no idea whatever happened to it. Great book for the time, but the one side page printing sucked. I'd love to get another copy somewhere, or even to read it on .pdf.
Re; The Atari Zone fanzine:
LOL!The editor sounds very young. He says he has a part time job. Who knows, he might be a 12 year old paperboy.

RE: Masters of the Universe on the 2600. I agree that this is an underrated game, and the graphics are pretty impressive for the 2600.
Good stuff, Ter. I look forward to reading the next few issues.