The Halcyon laser disk player

Let's talk about the Halcyon, Colorvision, Bandai Pippin and others you probably never heard of

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Re: The Halcyon laser disk player

Post by Zap! »

gamemaster wrote:ok here you go the football game for the system ... 7C294%3A50
I would have did the $175 BIN in a second, but it does not come with the box, instructions, or overlay. :bonk:
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Re: The Halcyon laser disk player

Post by gamemaster »

you e-mail the seller on it

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Re: The Halcyon laser disk player

Post by Zap! »

gamemaster wrote:you e-mail the seller on it
Yeah, he first claimed it doesn't come with anything because it's an arcade game. When I told him it did indeed, and the Halcyon was a system, he said "thanks for the info."
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Re: The Halcyon laser disk player

Post by MaximumRD »

Typical. So many things piss me off about Ebay sellers and when you call them on it they always bullshit you. Yes of course I remember the arcades back in the day I would walk in drooling over the fine selection of Halcyon Arcade machines awaiting my quarter................

Funny huh? Sellers like that sure seem to know how rare and valualable what they are selling is yet they know NOTHING ELSE about it, riiiiight.............

I tell you I only buy from reputable sellers with great feedback, I wont even look if there are no photos and on that note they better not be stock pics either, I don't trust people who cannot make an effort to take pictures of the actual item they are selling. Also WTF is up with systems that are caked in dust or dirt, REALLY? You cannot take a friggin rag or paper towel and even attempt to brush it along the system? Lastly I am very wary of the old "AS IS, Cannot gurantee it works, worked fine last time I used it, 20 years ago before I packed it in the basement" Again, REALLY? Your the original owner, you have obviously used it before but you CANNOT plug the friggin thing in and see if it works before sending it off? Well then I can't be bothered to buy from you. Yeah, what can I say, got on a rant and roll there, but hey, these are tips for everyone folks, if the seller cannot conform to these guidelines move on and let someone else be the sucker!!!!
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Re: The Halcyon laser disk player

Post by Darryl B. »

MaximumRD wrote:Yes of course I remember the arcades back in the day I would walk in drooling over the fine selection of Halcyon Arcade machines awaiting my quarter................
WHAT? You only had to pay ONE quarter to play those? I had to pay TWO quarters, dammit! All those laserdisc games cost me fifty cents each play!
MaximumRD wrote: Also WTF is up with systems that are caked in dust or dirt, REALLY? You cannot take a friggin rag or paper towel and even attempt to brush it along the system? Lastly I am very wary of the old "AS IS, Cannot gurantee it works, worked fine last time I used it, 20 years ago before I packed it in the basement" Again, REALLY? Your the original owner, you have obviously used it before but you CANNOT plug the friggin thing in and see if it works before sending it off? Well then I can't be bothered to buy from you. Yeah, what can I say, got on a rant and roll there, but hey, these are tips for everyone folks, if the seller cannot conform to these guidelines move on and let someone else be the sucker!!!!
Not that you're bitter or anything... :P

No, I agree 100%, I can't understand people who can't clean up either. I've had to go with used computer stuff myself over the years and I've always had to take stuff apart and dust and vacuum it out myself. Granted, it's a little bit different in those cases, since these guys are running a BUSINESS and have tons more stuff (/that they get in all the time) to deal with and not everyone who buys from them cleans it up either, I imagine. But for someone who's just selling stuff here and there (or maybe for even just the first time) that's pretty goofy.


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Re: The Halcyon laser disk player

Post by TwinChargers »

Ter wrote:
gamemaster wrote:Wow!!!!!!! that want for good money this system 100% must go for over $1500.00 did not think it was going to sell for that much just for the laser player
You think that's a lot, I know someone selling an Odyssey 3 prototype for $6,500! That's just insane, but there are only like 10 of them.
Sure, there might be only 10 or so if the Odyssey 3's, but you could get a Philips Videopac + G7400 which is essentially the same thing for about $100 off of Ebay. All that's different about the two is the name.
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Re: The Halcyon laser disk player

Post by Zap! »

Any updates on getting the ex-wife to part the Halcyon?
One burning question that will remain with him until his dying days....."Was my victory really worth the price I had to pay?"

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