Sneak peak of Verizon's new iPhone

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Sneak peak of Verizon's new iPhone

Post by tina6547 »

BoyGeniusReport got a sneak peak of the new iPhone destined for Verizon Wireless. The picture shows a SIM card slot, which led BGR to speculate that the new iPhone could be
a multi-network device, capable of running on GSM/HSPA networks as well as CDMA (which Verizon uses).

IOW, Apple could theoretically produce one phone that could be used with any extant cellular network.


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Re: Sneak peak of Verizon's new iPhone

Post by Zap! »

I was gonna move this topic to Cell Phone Games, but this isn't about a game, just a phone. So I guess I'll leave it in here, even though it's not a tablet either. :)
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