Sorry for the audio problems my camera SUCKS!
Halo for the 2600 Released at CGE! Download the game here!
So excited to have received my first Homebrew game EVER I made this unboxing and gameplay sample. One difference I have been waiting for this I did not want to spoil it, though I have the ROM I never played it or watched any gameplay vids, it becomes pretty apparent! Lot's of fun though. I gave credit to AtariAge and Ed Fries as well as links in the description. Sorry my audio is going in my videocamera but otherwise I am very pleased with the results.
http://www.atariage.com/forums/topic/16 ... game-here/
HALO 2600 Pre Order at Atariage:
http://www.atariage.com/forums/topic/16 ... pre-order/
Purchase / Waiting list thread:
HALO 2600 Article:
Original CGE limited edition label art:
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- ... 5606_n.jpg
HALO 2600 Unboxing and gameplay sample.
Moderator: Darryl B.
HALO 2600 Unboxing and gameplay sample.
Oldshool gaming, some people will never "Get it"
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