I'm reviewing a prototype of the ColecoVision Ultimate SD!

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I'm reviewing a prototype of the ColecoVision Ultimate SD!

Post by MaximumRD »

First, if your wondering "Huh? Why the heck is HE reviewing it?" don't worry I am not offended as I just found out last night and am pretty shocked myself lol! That said, there is some reasoning behind it, if you check out the the ATARIMAX website and go to the USB 128in1 Colecovision Multi Cart page, a little more than half way down the page you will a product reviews section and dead center "MaximumRD Video Review parts #1 & 2".

http://www.atarimax.com/flashcart/forum ... .php?f=15"

I had done that review back on April 28, 2009 merely for my love of Colecovision and because I was so pleased and happy with the original USB Multi-cart. I was not even aware that Mr. Tucker had posted that review, I had sent him the link as a thank you from a very happy customer and though I had done it purely to share the news of this wonderful product with my Youtube subscribers. I was surprised when to see he had posted it but needless to say I was very happy. Last night I received an Email that basically said:

Hi Rob,

Thanks again for your great review of the 128-in-1 for the
ColecoVision. Would you be interested in reviewing a prototype
version of the Colecovision cartridge described here:

Thanks! :-)


A couple Emails were exchanged pretty much immediately after and it is a done deal. Steve will be shipping the prototype version out to me soon.
Now of course having been given this opportunity by the man himself I want this to be as beneficial to both of us as possible. For me of course it is a cool insight into this upcoming release for my Youtube subscribers as well of course I plan to post the review and all related info in my personal favorite gaming forums (AtariAge/Digital Press/Armchair Arcade etc) as well as others and of course I would be happy and grateful should any of you just happen to mention it around, post the link, spread the news.

Most importantly in return I WANT YOU to post in here and ask me whatever is on your mind regarding this item.
For the record I plan a simple yet detailed no nonsense look at this item. I want to make the most out of this for both me, Steve and all my viewers so your feedback, questions and comments are welcomed and encouraged.

I will follow up here and elsewhere, I have not even received the item yet and I am already planning out everything so that I can do the best job I am capable of, I do not want to disappoint anyone so please get your questions in now. THANKS!
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Re: I'm reviewing a prototype of the ColecoVision Ultimate S

Post by MaximumRD »

Oldshool gaming, some people will never "Get it"
Check out my Classic Gaming Videos: RATE ! COMMENT!

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