2-D games

1998-2006, Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, Game Cube, etc.

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2-D games

Post by TwinChargers »

By this point in video game history, the 2-D games are more or less history. Other than classic compilations, or some fighters that haven't upgraded to a more 3D enviroment, what are the better 2-D games for this generation- may it be side scrollers, shmups or anything else.
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Re: 2-D games

Post by Zap! »

Is it really a thing of the past? I predict they will make a huge comeback. Expect New Super Mario Bros. Wii to outsell (by a lot, probably) Super Mario Galaxy. It's all about the Benjamen's. Companies will realize there may be more money to make with 2-D in certain genres.
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Re: 2-D games

Post by TwinChargers »

I could maybe see Nintendo making a few more 2D type games, since that was once there "bread and butter" so to speak, but Xbox and Playstation never really were a part of that era, and there machines although excessively capable, aren't really made for that kind of game experience. Maybe Sega could port a new 2D Sonic on the 3 systems, I'm guessing that would sell decent if made right. The thing is, multiplayer and online is big now, and the older style games aren't really made for the classic style of games. Huge comeback might be kind of a stretch for that reason alone.
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Re: 2-D games

Post by Zap! »

TwinChargers wrote:I could maybe see Nintendo making a few more 2D type games, since that was once there "bread and butter" so to speak, but Xbox and Playstation never really were a part of that era, and there machines although excessively capable, aren't really made for that kind of game experience. Maybe Sega could port a new 2D Sonic on the 3 systems, I'm guessing that would sell decent if made right. The thing is, multiplayer and online is big now, and the older style games aren't really made for the classic style of games. Huge comeback might be kind of a stretch for that reason alone.
They might not make an actual "comeback" like I had previously said, but with the success of NSMBW I definitely see others in the immediate future. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see another 2-D Sonic or Metroid, as I think those would be great ideas. How about another 2-D Alex Kidd (bad example, since he never went 3-D)? How about another overhead Zelda like Link To The Past? 2-D Contra is already here on WiiWare called Contra Rebirth, and Castlevania Rebirth should be here by March, as will Mega Man 10 (to go along with last year's 2-D success Mega Man 9).
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