I am extremely proud to announce that I was able to corner Mike (STGuy1040 on Atari Age and Retromags) and get him to answer some questions about his magazine, Classic Video Gamer. We discussed many things, not only about ClassicVGM, but on his life, wife and the strife of not only starting but continuing to publish ClassicVGM.
Here it is on Atari Age: http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.ph ... 148466&hl=
and on Retromags: http://www.retromags.com/forums/Classic ... t4823.html
Here is a link to the review I did for ClassicVGM #1: http://www.retromags.com/forums/Classic ... t4076.html
They are the same interview but some people prefer one site over the other.
Let me know what you guys think about it.