Me and my nephew were huge fans of of the Dangerous Dave series of games in the early 90's. Who here remembers the games? On Christmas Day, I wrote an e-mail to the founder John Romero (visit his site at http://planetromero.com/), asking the following:
He was nice enough to reply the same day, saying:Hello, first off I want to say I am a huge fan of your work, and was heavily into the Dangerious Dave games in the early 90's. Any chance for a complete box set, updated to work on today's faster PC's? I would buy in in a second, and would promote it on my classic video game site listed below. Please consider it. Hope to hear from you soon, and Merry Christmas!
Ter Micharoni,
Founder of Zap! Classic Video Games
One day later, he wrote this:Thanks for the email - Merry Xmas to you, too.
The original Dave is my property but the others are Softdisk's, so I doubt a box set would happen. Also, I only like Dave 1 & 2 - the others are an abomination.
Sent from my iCore
He seems like a great guy, and I thank him for giving me many hours of fun with his wonderful games.Thanks, Terence.
The original Dangerous Dave runs perfectly fine on new machines. The main incompatibility was with sound hardware and the original 1990 Dangerous Dave didn't use any sound hardware code. The game ran off the system timer so it runs at the correct speed. You can run it in DOSBox for perfect emulation.
John Romero