Atari 800 XL

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Atari 800 XL

Post by Jboypacman »

Who here has a Atari 800 Xl or even a 400 for that matter? What games do you own for it and what games are looking to get for it?

I have 800 XL myself and only have a handful of games for it....

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Re: Atari 800 XL

Post by Rob »

I have the XE console with the keyboard, with a shoebox full of games and programs. I have the disk drive and the zapper, but I never have come across a tape drive for it yet. I guess *technically* that was my first computer, but all I ever did was play games on it.

I can't remember all the games I have, but I know I have Rescue on Fractulus, Pac Man, Donkey Kong, Centipede, Defender, some flight sim, and the zapper game where you shoot bugs. I think I had a Star Wars title too.

The XE pretty much got closeted later that Christmas when I got an NES. It's probably my least favorite Atari system. It just never clicked with me.

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Re: Atari 800 XL

Post by nathanallan1 »

My 800XL is here, and I have a broken one that's BOXED (still broken) and a 600XL. No tape deck, but two disk drives and the big dot matrix printer (1025?? can't remember). I have a few games for it but not nearly enough, but a whole box full of disk software that doesn't get near enough play time. My house is too small!! RULES!

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Re: Atari 800 XL

Post by Zap! »

Never had an Atari 800, but I did have an Atari XE Game system. Once I bought the 1050 (I think that's the model number) disk drive from Tim Duarte (The 2600 Connection founder), it essentially became the same thing. I always liked it. I have tons of games on floppy disks. Wonder if they still work, haven't tried in like 15 years.
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Re: Atari 800 XL

Post by Zap! »

I have one now. Pay no attention to Jerry Springer on the PVM...
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