Digitally re-mastered issues of the old fanzine Zap!

Zap! was a fanzine I ran from 1991 to 1993, for a total of eight issues. What was your favorite issue? Looking to buy the entire set?

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Re: Digitally re-mastered issues of the old fanzine Zap!

Post by gamemaster »

like to order them too if you still selling them thanks

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Re: Digitally re-mastered issues of the old fanzine Zap!

Post by Zap! »

gamemaster wrote:like to order them too if you still selling them thanks
They will always be available, I'll keep 'em printing. :) Just click the PayPal button and write in $10, and I'll get them out ASAP.
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Re: Digitally re-mastered issues of the old fanzine Zap!

Post by Steve1978 »

I can't wait 8)) Do you know the last time I got a fanzine in the mail? Like 1993, and I never got to read Zap! or any number of ones I wanted. I thank you for doing this.
I'm even making my own fanzine now (looking for contributors, reviews for videogames, comics, music, movies, novels, tv episodes, etc.) and hope to review Zap for ish 1. :tanooki:

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Re: Digitally re-mastered issues of the old fanzine Zap!

Post by Zap! »

Hey Steve! Just got your payment. I will print out a set and it it mailed to you today or tomorrow at the latest. Hope you enjoy the set! :DonkeyKongJr_spin:
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Re: Digitally re-mastered issues of the old fanzine Zap!

Post by Steve1978 »

That's great! But if I don't enjoy the fanzine... well, I will be merciless! :kirby_fire:

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Re: Digitally re-mastered issues of the old fanzine Zap!

Post by Steve1978 »

Got ishes 1-7 today! Thanks these are neat. I'm gonna to review them for Warp! zine

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Re: Digitally re-mastered issues of the old fanzine Zap!

Post by Zap! »

Steve1978 wrote:Got ishes 1-7 today! Thanks these are neat. I'm gonna to review them for Warp! zine
Wow, that was quick! How do you like them so far? Remember, my opinions in 1991 aren't necessarily the same in 2009. :) When you review them, post a link.
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Re: Digitally re-mastered issues of the old fanzine Zap!

Post by megasdkirby »

Ter wrote:
Steve1978 wrote:Got ishes 1-7 today! Thanks these are neat. I'm gonna to review them for Warp! zine
Wow, that was quick! How do you like them so far? Remember, my opinions in 1991 aren't necessarily the same in 2009. :) When you review them, post a link.
Ter is right :D

It's an awesome read! I think I have read them like 10 times now! :)

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Re: Digitally re-mastered issues of the old fanzine Zap!

Post by Steve1978 »

Gah! Forums slow. Yep yep yeP I have the review more or less done, just needs some cleaning up. Read issue one first and I can honestly say it was very interesting!!

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Re: Digitally re-mastered issues of the old fanzine Zap!

Post by Steve1978 »

Sorry for the delay but here finally is my review (I've been under the weather)! Following it is an imaginary letter I might have sent you if my imaginary fanzine had ever been achieved:

I hold in my hand the premiere issue of the Zap! Fanzine, dated Sep/Oct 91 and hailing from the rather enigmatic Staten Island, New York. It plans to cover all the Ataris including many I wasn’t even aware existed (although he may have made up some of them), as well every other classic system from Fairchild Channel F to Odyssey2! I don’t even know what those are, so already I’m compelled to read this zine. The editor Terence Micharoni, or “Ace” as he demands to be called, will also cover the NES, Sega Master System and Neo-Geo.

You should know Zap! is a rather slender publication at 8 pages so coverage must necessarily be selective from ish to ish, but it’s filler free and packed with fascinating material you won’t find in the prozines, covering an era and earlier videogame subculture I am totally ignorant of. The first article discusses the videogame crash and I thought this was stupendous stuff. I now want to know more about ColecoVision and who made it.

Ter also lists and describes a number of places where vintage games can be purchased, provides info on all the other old-game fanzines (The 2600 Connection, The Survivalist, and Digital Press). He even writes a truly excellent and useful bit on newsletter publishing.
Next are the reviews which are top notch and comprehensive.
I was especially intrigued by the Hover Hovver review (for Atari 800, a personal computer). I think they should remake that one for the newer systems.

The issue wraps up with a fascinating and free Classified Ads section. I enjoy simply reading all the different and mysterious game titles and accessories.

So, overall Zap! is useful, interesting, and fun to explore. Bravo Terence, I honestly enjoyed my read and anticipate more of the same!


Dear Ter,

Thank you for sending me the first issue of Zap! Included is the first issue of my own fanzine, Warp! I see we are of a like mind as far as fanzine titling goes.
I am curious to learn about TV PIXX. I’ve never seen it so maybe you could do a review in an upcoming issue of Zap! Also I know I would like to see more information about the old systems you own like the Fairchild Channel F and Colecovision. Maybe you could write a history section and explain the comings and goings of these mystery machines. If you do I hope you draw pictures of the controllers and consoles themselves and describe how they compare to the 2600 and NES.
Are you going to do a review of Monster Lair? I’m not familiar with it and am curious to know your high score.
Regarding Pitfall, where David Crane says “if you find any writing materials in the jungle, drop me a line”. I do not think he meant there were such things in the game itself but only that he wishes to correspond with Pitfall gamers who are metaphysically “deep in the jungle”.

Finally, is Staten Island an actual island or just the name of a town in New York City? Is the pizza good there?

Keep in Touch,

Steve Ginty
Editor of Warp!

p.s. I’m going to try to send you a review of a NES game from before 1988 but I don’t think I have any carts that old! If not I’ll try to rent one at Mega Movies.

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Re: Digitally re-mastered issues of the old fanzine Zap!

Post by Rob »

Good stuff, Steve.

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Re: Digitally re-mastered issues of the old fanzine Zap!

Post by Zap! »

That was amazing, Steve, great letter!

TV Pixx was one "11 Alive", possibly local NY/NJ area only. It was around in 1979 and 1980, but may have gone on a little later. They call you up, an on the phone, you yell "Pixx" when you want to fire or use some kind of action button. I played their basketball game.

Staten Island is an actual island in NYC. Islands are common around here. Manhattan is one too. :)
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Re: Digitally re-mastered issues of the old fanzine Zap!

Post by Steve1978 »

Thank you for the feedback! I'm still thinking about my fanzine project. Boy I am lazy!

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Re: Digitally re-mastered issues of the old fanzine Zap!

Post by Zap! »

Steve1978 wrote:Thank you for the feedback! I'm still thinking about my fanzine project. Boy I am lazy!
Did your fanizine ever materialize Steve? I'd love to read it if it did.
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