
Wii U, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Ouya
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Post by Zap! »

I got this little system in Target a couple of weeks ago for $99, an really like it so far. Although I'm generally against downloadable-only content, I look past it here because so far it seems the games are tailor-made for people like me.

I initially didn't like the fact that the controller uses two AA batteries and isn't rechargeable, but the life seems to be good so far. The system itself is tiny. It's about the size of a baseball, so there will be room for it, even if you're tight on space.

It's free to develop games on it, so any games that meets their minimum requirements will go on their games list. The result is many games that look like 1983. Now that might be frowned upon by 15 year old kids, but for me it's just fine.

The funny part is that although many of these games look 15-30 years old, they have modern stereo sound and a 1080p resolution. This kinda reminds me of the fantasy genre, where they are living in 440 AD but have super technology and sorcery. :magocomido:

All in all, so far it's a great value for me. Does anyone else have one?
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Re: Ouya

Post by MaximumRD »

I likely would have bit though I have nothing to display HDMI really and several ANDROID tablets it seemed kind of pointless.
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Re: Ouya

Post by Trezzer »

I have one and I love it. Games are cheap and plentiful, and if you don't mind hacking around a bit, you can get many non-Ouya ganes running from the Play or Amazon store as well. I am still on the original set of AA batteries from when I got my backer Ouya (despite using it plenty). :)

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Zap! Commander
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Re: Ouya

Post by Zap! »

Trezzer wrote:I have one and I love it. Games are cheap and plentiful, and if you don't mind hacking around a bit, you can get many non-Ouya ganes running from the Play or Amazon store as well. I am still on the original set of AA batteries from when I got my backer Ouya (despite using it plenty). :)

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Hey, welcome to Zap! They also have many great games for free in their store. So many have a retro feel! Even their paid games are cheap, with most being under $5.
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