Anyone into emulation?

If you're into emulators, this is the place to be
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Anyone into emulation?

Post by Zap! »

I used to be, not so much anymore. I'd rather play the actual games the way they were originally intended to be, but every now and then I use them. What are the best Windows Vista-compatable 2600, NES, Genesis, and TG16 ones?

While we're on the subject, does anyone use MAME? I'd love to have a MAME arcade cabinet in my house, with 100's of games.
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Re: Anyone into emulation?

Post by Jakenut86 »

I like to use emulators to decide if I like a game before I buy it. Like with the C64 emulator I just put on my mac, that way I could see what games where on the system and if there were any worth playing. Now I wanna get an actual C64 because it is always better to play the games on the actual system.

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Re: Anyone into emulation?

Post by Carlos »

I used to have a bunch of emulators on my old computer, but it isn't the same as the real deal. Just something gets to me about play a game as it was originally intended.

An old friend of mine built a MAME cabinet years ago out of an old X-Men cab. He had a shit ton of games on it, and it was fun to play on, but once again, just not the same as the original hardware.

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Re: Anyone into emulation?

Post by TwinChargers »

I have a few, but they don't get a whole lotta use. Never would it keep me from buying the real thing. Its a decent way to test out a game though, or help you find old classics. If anything, a few of them helped me find games I never had as a kid and has gotten me to make a few purchases I probably would have never made if it wasn't for the emulator.
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Re: Anyone into emulation?

Post by Rob »

I'm a proponent of Emulation on the Dreamcast. That's kind of what brought me back into classic gaming years back. I can say that it's not the same thing as playing the games on their original format, but it is better than playing them on a PC. At least you're using a console with a genuine Sega controller!

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Re: Anyone into emulation?

Post by Erosion_Of_Sanity »

I'm pretty fond of playing SNES/Genesis gems via emulation.

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Re: Anyone into emulation?

Post by MaximumRD »

I love emulation big time. Especially when it is not always realistic to get a certain console or game or even retro computer. I like Playstation emulation using ePSX as the graphic plugins can actually improve on the original. I have an adaptoid so I can use that with N64 Emulation with a REAL N64 Gamepad to. I like when emulation allows a pretty decent simulation of the original while providing extras like better graphic options or even cheat codes, and I don't even have to mention how awesome MAME is, 3000 arcade games ready to play on my PC with my PSX gamepad via USB adaptor? YES PLEASE! Of course I obviously love the use and feel of original hardware/software but when it is not always possible or convienant there is nothing wrong with enjoying some emulation!
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Re: Anyone into emulation?

Post by Darryl B. »

I've got MAME, a 2600 and Vectrex emulator, and that's it. Well, MESS too, but I only play a couple of SMS games on it.

I don't have a lot of ROMs, agree with pretty much everyone else, the real thing is usually the best :) :harry_jump: :mariohammer: :atari-logo: :sonic: (hence the gaming smilies, representing just that)


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Re: Anyone into emulation?

Post by Kreationz »

Of course I'm into emulation. I help program on one and run the forum for it( It's helped me in polishing my programming skills and allowed me to learned about how the original machine worked. My 2 earliest programming experiences were the TRS-80 and the "BASIC Programming" cart for the Atari 2600. ... index.html

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Re: Anyone into emulation?

Post by nathanallan1 »

Not a whole lot unless it's something kinda special. I still do Stella and Gens32, but that is about it.

I am getting into a Saturn emulator,
There is some info on it (yes, hastily copied and pasted, sorry) and it's really a great idea-- an online emulator for multiplayer.

I played Mario Kart (on a Saturn emulator you ask? I know, they are working on it) and it was great fun. I just need to get a USB pad for gaming, it didn't work so well with a keyboard and mouse. RULES!

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Re: Anyone into emulation?

Post by MaximumRD »

emulation has always been a big part of my computing and gaming. From emulating the Amiga to console emulation to play rare or exspensive games I LOVE emulation.
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Re: Anyone into emulation?

Post by Zap! »

MaximumRD wrote:emulation has always been a big part of my computing and gaming. From emulating the Amiga to console emulation to play rare or exspensive games I LOVE emulation.
I now have a PC hooked up to my living room 61" TV. I've got to put some good emulators on there so I can play. Know any good wireless PC controllers?
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Re: Anyone into emulation?

Post by MaximumRD »

Zap! wrote:
MaximumRD wrote:emulation has always been a big part of my computing and gaming. From emulating the Amiga to console emulation to play rare or exspensive games I LOVE emulation.
I now have a PC hooked up to my living room 61" TV. I've got to put some good emulators on there so I can play. Know any good wireless PC controllers?
Well I use/like my 360 gamepad....
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Re: Anyone into emulation?

Post by fidgedextro »

I'm on an extremely low budget, so emulation is a must for me. Of course I would love to own all the original systems, but it's not economically feasible. MAME offers a treasure trove of obscure and forgotten games that were never ported and never will be, so it's valuable as a museum-piece research tool. Which brings me to another point: the argument over legal issues. All of these retro-compilations are essentially emulators. And many are downright poor. The Atari 2600 multi-game packages don't capture the original's exact gameplay, and those laughable joystick-only consoles are mockeries of the original arcade games. Besides... Atari, Intellivision, Colecovision, NES and all the other dead gaming consoles are getting bought exclusively by collectors on places like eBay. These companies aren't making a penny off these old games, so what's the difference if I download a game for free? Unless they're willing to put all this stuff back on the market in its original forms, I have absolutely no moral problem with using emulators.

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Re: Anyone into emulation?

Post by Darryl B. »

fidgedextro wrote:These companies aren't making a penny off these old games, so what's the difference if I download a game for free?
Because copyright law says you can't, that's why. (Not that I care though, just pointing it out. Game on!)


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Re: Anyone into emulation?

Post by fidgedextro »

Copyright laws expire after a period of time, especially when the "owners" don't bother to file a claim to ownership. However, I think the time limts on copyright expiration should be lowered because there are great works of art out there, and not just videogames, being held hostage because certain people believe that ownership of the property provides them with a sense of value. And while I theoretically agree with the concept, if the owners don't even believe in the actual said value of their property to make actual money off it, than why deprive the public from enjoying the results? Either release it legitimately and maintain your authorship, or let it fall into the public domain.

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Re: Anyone into emulation?

Post by Darryl B. »

The thing is though, probably most entities holding onto old titles aren't fans, they're just holding onto them to build their portfolio, or whatever, as it looks good to have investments on stuff that isn't yours in case you have to liquidate titles or whatnot.

Granted, someone who knows more about business/things of this nature than I do could probably come up with more reasons as far as a business standpoint goes, but I'm sure that's about it, really. They don't care, bottom line.


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Re: Anyone into emulation?

Post by TwinChargers »

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