MaximumRD video look at ZAP! Fanzine etc......

Zap! was a fanzine I ran from 1991 to 1993, for a total of eight issues. What was your favorite issue? Looking to buy the entire set?

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MaximumRD video look at ZAP! Fanzine etc......

Post by MaximumRD »

Well instead of posting my here in the forums on my recently received ZAP! Fanzine issues I went ahead and posted my thoughts and opinions as one of my MaximumRD videos, I also mentioned this site and do my best to help get my subscribers (I'm approaching 100!) interested in checking out our forums to! Please have a look here:

Cheers! :running:
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Re: MaximumRD video look at ZAP! Fanzine etc......

Post by Zap! »

MaximumRD wrote:Well instead of posting my here in the forums on my recently received ZAP! Fanzine issues I went ahead and posted my thoughts and opinions as one of my MaximumRD videos, I also mentioned this site and do my best to help get my subscribers (I'm approaching 100!) interested in checking out our forums to! Please have a look here:

Cheers! :running:
Wow, thank you so much. I'm so honored, you did a great job! Here's to us both getting 10,000 (you subscribers, me posters)! :gamer:
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Re: MaximumRD video look at ZAP! Fanzine etc......

Post by Rob »

Rob, that's an awesome vid and it's pretty gracious of you to keep plugging this site.

You know, you've got a pretty good voice for commentary. You ever given thought to being a newscaster? You sound like you could deliver a line like "Yes, Diane, all the children died in the blaze" and still sound fairly upbeat about it. :occasion14:

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Re: MaximumRD video look at ZAP! Fanzine etc......

Post by MaximumRD »

Thanks Ter, Happy to do so!
I DO try on my videos and am fairly critical of myself, I was good in drama class though even at improv.
As for the comment about commentary yes I like doing it, thanks for the kind words as I always that my voice pitch was to high somewhat BUT did you know I do damn good impression of charcters from Pete Puma the wacky mountain lion that Bugs Bunny gets the best of to Mogwai from GREMLINS but my best impression I think is KERMIT THE FROG, I am actually hoping at some point to make some MAXIMUMRD promo videos with these characters and provide the voices lol!

I would like to add, kind of cool FYI THIS video marks my 20th video! Also I am up to my 97th subscriber (seems like I JUST did a shout out to my 50 subscribers) and very cool if you look around on videogame auction site there is a MAXIMUMRD CLASSIC GAMING AND COMPUTERS Banner thanks to my good friend So Cal Mike who should also be pugging my Youtube channel on the APRIL edition of the RetroGamingRoundup Podcast! I never would of thought all this would of started from me posting one video for fun (The Colecovision Super Action Controllers) LOL! But I believe in good Karma and that is why I plug other peoples sites and podcasts etc because it is appreciated and I think we can all help each other in the Classic gaming community. Thanks everyone!

UPDATE: FYI I have posted this at Atari Age, CDhelper, Armchair Arcade, Digital Press and of course my Facebook page and group, Armchair Arcade and CDhelper even have the embedded version so that should promote exposure.
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Re: MaximumRD video look at ZAP! Fanzine etc......

Post by Zap! »

I promoted the video in these three places. The Zap! MySpace one should get a lot of hits, as I have nearly 250 friends on that MySpace.

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Re: MaximumRD video look at ZAP! Fanzine etc......

Post by MaximumRD »

Ter wrote:I promoted the video in these three places. The Zap! MySpace one should get a lot of hits, as I have nearly 250 friends on that MySpace.

My MySpace Bulletin

Atari Age

Digital Press
Good stuff, I added also Petsci Forums (related to Retrobits Podcasts) and Monroeworld forums (related to the old Retrogaming Radio Podcast) I can think of at least 3 people personally so far who have joined as a result of the video so it looks like all in all a success........
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Re: MaximumRD video look at ZAP! Fanzine etc......

Post by Zap! »

MaximumRD wrote:
Ter wrote:I promoted the video in these three places. The Zap! MySpace one should get a lot of hits, as I have nearly 250 friends on that MySpace.

My MySpace Bulletin

Atari Age

Digital Press
Good stuff, I added also Petsci Forums (related to Retrobits Podcasts) and Monroeworld forums (related to the old Retrogaming Radio Podcast) I can think of at least 3 people personally so far who have joined as a result of the video so it looks like all in all a success........
This is outstanding, I hope I can also help you get some new subscribers. :occasion14:

Edit: Wow, my 500th post! :starman:
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Re: MaximumRD video look at ZAP! Fanzine etc......

Post by MaximumRD »

Heh, well looks like the vid is paying off, definitely some new subscribers as I recognize them from some of my other forums!
Also, searching new posts tonight the board was much more lively (IE: New posts NOT made ny TER) than I have seen in a while..........
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