Can anyone identify this dot matrix printer next to a Neo-Geo?

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Zap! Commander
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Can anyone identify this dot matrix printer next to a Neo-Geo?

Post by Zap! »

I apologize for the horrendous quality, but it's the only known one that I have. First, I'll tell you what I know for certain. This was once mine, and this capture is from 1992. I got the printer in 1991. So the model is no newer than 1991, although it could be older if the stock was old.

Those stipes on it are just the sun reflecting on my blinds. It was all-white. Sitting in front of it is a Neo-Geo. That can provide a great clue as to the size. It appears to be an inch high in the front, then sleekly rises. There was a very large, smoked plastic cover that opened. Looks like it started about 5 inches back. I believe there's input on the right (out of focus), but I'm not certain. However it appears to show a button in the pic.

Any help would be appreciated. I'd love to once again have my old printer model back again. I do not know the make of the printer by the way.

The smoked plastic cover is huge, and the controls are not on the left side. The might be on the front left, but my Neo-Geo could be blocking them, but I wanna say that they are on the right side and not front.

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Zap! Commander
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Re: Can anyone identify this dot matrix printer next to a Neo-Geo?

Post by Zap! »

Update: I found the best picture yet, which clearly shows that the controls are on the right.

I also circled two additional clues. The top circle shows what appears to be an indent so that you can lift the smoked plastic cover without struggling. The bottom circle shows what could possibly be a company badge.
20230720_025006.jpg (238.47 KiB) Viewed 1047 times
Cropped.jpg (99.03 KiB) Viewed 1047 times
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