Picked up a Commodore VIC-20 SMPL

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Zap! Commander
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Picked up a Commodore VIC-20 SMPL

Post by Zap! »

It was being sold as a regular, untested Commodore VIC 20 with no power supply (or anything else but the unit itself), but it was pretty clear that there was nothing regular about it. I bought it because it was unique and the price was cheap, although I knew nothing about it. I watched the 8-Bit Guy's video on it, but it just raised more questions. Anyway, what is this thing worth, and what can I do with it (besides play VIC-20 games, as he showed in the video)? Here's a pic:
Vic20.jpg (1.1 MiB) Viewed 2180 times
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Darryl B.
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Re: Picked up a Commodore VIC-20 SMPL

Post by Darryl B. »

Zap! wrote: Sun Apr 23, 2023 3:02 pm what can I do with it
It's an audio recording synchroniser. It interfaces with tape machines and instruments:

https://www.rarecomputers.com/project/c ... stem-1985/
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Zap! Commander
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Re: Picked up a Commodore VIC-20 SMPL

Post by Zap! »

Darryl B. wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 2:43 pm
Zap! wrote: Sun Apr 23, 2023 3:02 pm what can I do with it
It's an audio recording synchroniser. It interfaces with tape machines and instruments:

https://www.rarecomputers.com/project/c ... stem-1985/
Yeah it's pretty useless for me, but it's a nice display item. It does play Vic-20 games, but you have to make sure that they don't require the keyboard, which this is mostly lacking. Wonder what it's worth...
One burning question that will remain with him until his dying days....."Was my victory really worth the price I had to pay?"

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